Sex Worker Storytelling
From 2004 - 2019, Audacia collaborated on and led a wide variety of sex worker storytelling projects that aimed to publish personal and journalistic narratives by sex workers, train sex workers to tell their own stories, make those stories visible through a variety of media, and create compelling media that contributed to shifting the media landscape, public understanding, and policy approaches to sex work.

Decrim NY Coalition (2018 - 2019)
Audacia was one of the co-founders of the Decrim NY Coalition, which had its first meetings in 2018 and launched in February 2019. Decrim NY advocates and organizes to shape New York State and City policy to improve the lives of people who perform sexual labor by choice, circumstance, or coercion, people profiled as such, and communities impacted by the criminalization of sex work and sexual exchange. Audacia helped to draft the Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act, a New York State bill introduced in June 2019 that at introduction was the most expansive state-level sex work decriminalization bill in the country.

The Red Umbrella Diaries: Storytelling Series & Documentary (2009 - 2015)
The Red Umbrella Diaries launched as a monthly storytelling series hosted by Audacia in 2009, where sex workers often joked that they felt more naked on stage than they ever did with their clients. Many of the stories were live recorded and produced as a podcast with more than 70 episodes. Seven of the storytellers, including Dacia, participated in the creation of a feature documentary of the same name that premiered in 2015. Watch the full feature documentary (99 minutes) for free on YouTube.

Memoir Workshops & Literary Journal (2009 - 2015)
Audacia facilitated multi-week sessions of a sex worker memoir writing workshop, which was hosted by the New School and included dozens of sex workers over the years who used the space to process their experiences and make art. Many of the stories produced in these workshops were featured in five issues of the literary journal Prose & Lore: Memoir Stories of Sex Work, which remains available for purchase in paperback. The stories were observed to be "perspectives that are often humorous, seductive, pissed, confused, and psycho-sexually indignant” by The Review Review.

Speak Up! Media and Advocacy Trainings (2006 - 2015)
Growing out of requests from sex workers responding to $pread magazine, Audacia and several $pread colleagues developed a weekend-long media spokesperson intensive training and a day-long city and state advocacy training under the banner of Speak Up! The more than fifty sex worker alumn of the programs have been featured on ABC News, lobbied city and state elected officials, and spoke out about sex workers' rights in many different venues.

Criminal, Victim, or Worker? New York's Human Trafficking Intervention Courts (2013-2015)
In fall 2013 the State of New York Unified Court System announced the Human Trafficking Intervention Courts (HTICs). In 2014 Audacia led Red Umbrella Project staff and members to conduct an observational study, documenting the HTICS in Brooklyn and Queens to figure out what happens in the court rooms and how they handle prostitution related charges. RedUP released the first sex worker-led report on the HTICs on October 1, 2014. The courts have since been dismantled. Read about the campaign and research in The Daily News, Vice, and The Nation.

Access to Condoms Campaign (2009 - 2015)
In a state with a major free condom program and in a city with the only municipally-branded condom in the world, it was shameful that for years, the Department of Health gave away condoms only for the New York Police Department to confiscate them and arrest people for prostitution offenses. The Access to Condoms campaign targeted state legislators, district attorneys, and police commissioners to cease this practice. In 2013, several district attorneys banned condoms as evidence, the NYPD banned the use of condoms as evidence for most charges in 2014, and the NY state bill was partially passed in 2014 and improved in the 2015 state executive budget.
See the comics campaign Audacia developed in 2012 (activists sent more than 1000 postcards to state legislators), read about the early years of the campaign, and watch a video about a sex worker lobby day in Albany.

Protect, Don't Prosecute Campaign & Response to Long Island Serial Killer (2010 - 2016)
In December 2010, prompted by the advocacy of the family of the missing Shanna Gilbert, the remains of four sex workers were found on Gilgo Beach in Long Island, with searches later expanding the bodycount to 11. This spurned Audacia and many colleagues into years of advocacy and grief work, starting with the Protect, Don't Prosecute campaign, which successfully advocated for the Suffolk County district attorney's office to grant amnesty from arrest for sex workers with information about the case. Though Shannan Gilbert's murder has remain unsolved, in 2023 an arrest was made of a Long Island man responsible for at least four murders.

$pread Magazine (2004 - 2008)
$pread was a quarterly glossy magazine by and for sex workers that was independently published from 2005-2011. Audacia began volunteering in 2004 and was an Executive Editor from 2005-2008, during which time the magazine won the Utne Reader Award for Best New Title. The magazine published personal stories, media criticism, and insights into fighting for labor rights for people in many different sectors of the sex trade. Buy a copy of the best-of anthology on Bookshop.